Showing 1–12 of 45 results
AM-Lok 28mm closure is a plastic linerless cap specifically designed for carbonated beverage and sparkling water.
Precision compression molding technology is utilized to produce consistent dimensions, a secure seal and opening convenience for consumers.
AS-Lok 28mm has a robust seal design and is sterilization-friendly, making it ideal for aseptically filled products.
AS-Lok AM 28mm is a one-piece linerless closure designed especially for aseptically filled beverages that are displayed and stored in hot cabinets/warmers at point of sale.
AS-Lok II 28mm one-piece linerless closure was especially designed for aseptically filled beverages that are displayed and stored in hot cabinets/warmers at point of sale.
As-Lok LV 28mm sets the standard for aseptic closures in the beverage industry.
Asepti-Lok mini 28mm closure is perfect for juices, sport drinks, teas and other non-carbonated beverages.
Double Aqua is ideal for non-carbonated mineral water applications.
CSI’s unique patented Double-Lok tamper band design provides the highest level of tamper evidence available in the carbonated soft drink industry.
Offers excellent sealing for beverages containing CO2 in PET bottles potentially exposed to high temperatures.
Specifically designed for PET beverage bottles to maximize CO2 sealing performance and product freshness under the most demanding conditions.
CSI’s DS-Lok 28mm closure protects your distilled spirits with a closure system that delivers outstanding performance, tamper evidence, and aesthetic appearance.
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