Showing 1–12 of 18 results
CSI’s AQ-Lok 30mm is one-piece 30/25 closure specially formulated to meet stringent demands of the still bottled water market.
AS-Lok 28mm has a robust seal design and is sterilization-friendly, making it ideal for aseptically filled products.
AS-Lok AM 28mm is a one-piece linerless closure designed especially for aseptically filled beverages that are displayed and stored in hot cabinets/warmers at point of sale.
AS-Lok II 28mm one-piece linerless closure was especially designed for aseptically filled beverages that are displayed and stored in hot cabinets/warmers at point of sale.
As-Lok LV 28mm sets the standard for aseptic closures in the beverage industry.
Asepti-Lok mini 28mm closure is perfect for juices, sport drinks, teas and other non-carbonated beverages.
CSI’s Asepti-Lok V 38mm 2S closure is a lightweight, two-lead 38mm closure perfect for juices, nectars, sports drinks and Liquid Dairy products.
Asepti-Lok V 38mm 3S closure is a lightweight, three-lead 38mm closure perfect for juices, nectars, sports drinks and liquid dairy products.
CSI’s Asepti-Lok V 38mm 3S LW is the lightest weight three-lead 38mm closure in the market, ideal for aseptic filling applications.
Extra-Lok V 33 closure is a lightweight design that can reduce bottlers’ total cost of operations.
Extra-Lok V closures are designed for application on PET and HDPE bottle finishes.
Extra-Lok V ODU profile offers a “universal” light-weight closure solution ideal for multiple filling applications, multiple bottle materials, and multiple bottle finish was thicknesses.
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